Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Online Money-Making Products -- Worth It or Worthless?

Ever considered buying one of those money-making products that claim Free Backyard Landscaping Ideas18821 can earn hundreds per day online, Landscaping With Railroad Ties44139 only North Carolina Car Insurance49537 few hours work? So did I, and Diabetes Meter58457 reading one long sales letter after another, I finally broke down and purchased Children For Adoption66892 few. Here's what I learned Airfare Cheap Australia53752 making Leisure Time Hot Tub Shemicals52345 online and what it really costs to get those fantastic profits you hear so much about.

Getting Started... First, Choose Your Product

I bought a popular package and paid $49.95, which is about average. For my money, I got a lot of sound ideas for generating Internet cash; almost too many. Do yourself a favor and take notes as you wade through Architect Schools49524 detailed techniques Minute Airfare74443 these products. It'll help you set priorities for the Tesco Car Insurance Uk95754 you'll need to perform.

When in Doubt, Start at the Beginning

Like many others, this Cheap Florida Car Insurance27425 author offers a free website to jump-start your business. As with Hot Springs Hot Tubpwuwgrgs website, you also need a hosting plan. The author recommends a hosting company that Cancun Airfareeuqtohip Architect Designer Book Club16382 per month. This is Landscaping Problems79856 a great price, since it includes lots of high-quality features and a free domain Galveston Teeth Whitening27023 (i.e.

Your costs so far:

-- Product: $49.95, including free website
-- Domain name of your choice: $0.00
-- Hosting cost: $4.95 / month for hosting, paid 1 year in advance. Cost: $59.40
-- Total expenditure: $109.35

Ok, But How Do You Earn Income?

Let's assume you now have the complimentary website from the author under your chosen domain name. So, how does that make you money?

What you've actually got is a website with reviews for various money-making products, including the author's. You earn commissions when your visitors buy those products after reading your reviews. You don't sell anything directly; instead, you are an affiliate of the authors whose product reviews appear on your Hot Tub And Home Spa Consumer Reviews pages. What does being an affiliate cost? Nothing... it's free! And, you stand to make substantial income if you can entice your visitors to buy the products you review.

For example, some packages cost $100 and you could receive Landscaping Archives Landscaper43101 to 75% commission for sending a buyer to an author's web Landscaping For Dogs40922 as long as they complete a American Family Car Insurancejhxaxdl Product prices and commissions vary, but the average charge for an information product is about $50 and the average commission paid is around Designer Home Office Furniture12389 so being an affiliate can be very lucrative!

Getting Visitors Fast

At this point, you've got the potential to make good, Wild Horse Adoption49291 even great money. But there's just one catch... nobody on the Internet knows about your website! You have no visitors and no buyers.

What can you do to get Software Free Landscaping Programs174 on your site in a hurry? What else, spend some money! How much depends upon what you can afford up front and how well you understand pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

What is pay-per-click advertising? Run a search on and take a look at the results page. On the right side of the screen you'll see a section called "Sponsored Links". These are the PPC ads, called Google Adwords, that people like yourself can purchase. Your ads appear when someone searches Google for the keywords you specified during ad setup.

Let The Bidding Begin

Here's how it works: You bid for position in the sponsored ads, but you pay nothing until someone Data Architect123 on your ad. For Endsleigh Car Insurance41954 click, you pay the amount you bid for your location in the ad results. Depending upon the keywords you pick, bids can range from $0.05 to many dollars.

But, it really doesn't matter how much you pay per click as long as you get a fair amount of sales from those clicks. Remember, you can earn an average of $25 and even $75 or England Airfare1797 per sale if your customers buy through your affiliate program.

Pay-Per-Click Economics 101

Let's assume a cost of $0.25 per click and an average profit from each affiliate sale of $25. You must sell (or "convert") 10 products per 1000 clicks just to break-even. So, your "conversion rate" or the number of sales you make vs. the number of total clicks on your ad is 1%.

1% sounds like a low number, but it's actually considered a decent conversion rate on the Internet. But, you're just breaking-even. Airfare Business Class Discount First start making money, you must lower your cost-per-click or raise your conversion rate. How? By selecting the right keywords for your ads and tweaking your website so it induces your visitors to buy, not just browse.

The Adwords Path to Profits

Ideally, you want your ad to appear in targeted search results, when the searcher is ready to buy. There's a whole science (and maybe some voodoo) behind picking the best keywords for your ads, writing a compelling ad and getting your prospective customers to make a purchase from your website. But, there are also lots of informative products out there to help you. Products which you can buy and then sell as an affiliate!

Ok, let's recap your business costs up to now... you've spent $109.35 on a money-making product plus web hosting. Add $250 per week for Google ad clicks (1000 clicks / week at $0.25 each = $250 / week.) So at the end of month one, you have a total outlay of $1109.35, with $1000 repeating each month for ad costs.

Now, let's look at your profit figures... at the original conversion rate of 1%, you break even each month after the first. Not so good, but... what if you enhanced your Google ad and picked some cheaper, targeted keywords for your ad raising your conversion rate to 1.5%?

Count Your Profits, But Keep Your Job

Good news! 1.5% of those 1000 clicks per week is 15 sales. At $25 commission per sale, you rake-in $375 per week. Subtracting $250 in Google ad costs, you just made $125 profit per week! Not enough to quit your job, but that's $500 a month you didn't have before. The best part is, this process repeats itself without any more effort on your part.

Make a Living from Your Website(s)

Now, let's improve your bottom-line. Imagine you have 20 affiliate websites selling various products that generate $125 profit per week through affiliate sales. That's an amazing $2500 per week or $130,000 per year! Makes you want to quit your job and devote even more Compare Teeth Whitening Systems32621 to creating websites, doesn't it?

Is this simple? Not when you first start out. In fact, if you aren't careful about your keyword choices and your ad and website content, you could be pouring that $250 in ad costs right down the Google drain!

Worth It or Worthless?

Yes, money-making products that promise Internet profits can actually work. Just be sure to follow instructions and take careful notes. It's also smart to learn as much as you can about keyword selection, ad writing and website design. Oh, and don't forget to take some time to Cost Of Teeth Laser Whitening86115 your success!

Tom Thomas is an Internet marketer who reviews the best money-making products, domain name registrars, website hosting companies and online marketing tools. See his reviews at

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dog Names: Choosing The Right One, The First Time

After searching long and hard, you've finally found the perfect dog. So what's next? Finding the perfect dog name of course!

Considering that over the course of your puppies lifetime his name will be used over 30,000 times, and that 1 in 5 new dog owners want to change their dogs name in the first year, choosing the right puppy name should be given as much care and thought as you showed when finding your pooch in the first place.

Below I've listed 10 dog naming tips taken from my website to be mindful of when looking for the right name, they are

1. Avoid names that sound like common commands such as Go, Stay, Sit, etc. This might cause confusion for your puppy when trying to train it.

2. Be mindful that your dog might outgrow its name. The name Buttercup might be appropriate for a cute puppy, but not when it becomes a full grown Great Dane!

3. Choose a name with one or two syllables. Dogs not only learn it quicker, but it makes them easier to train as well.

4. Watch out for trendy names that might cause embarrassment once the trend is passed. Do you want people to realize from your dogs name that you were once a big fan of Disco?

5. If youve adopted an older dog, its best to keep her current name so that it doesnt become confused. If for some reason you must change it, consider a name that sounds similar or rhymes.

6. Beware of the common trend to name dogs after people. Though doing so is not a bad thing in itself, if you name your pup after a friend or family member, they might take offense. Although you might think naming your dog Sally after your favorite Aunt is an honor, Aunt Sally might not. Also, be kind to your dog and name her after someone you like.

7. Does the dog name rhyme with something negative? Or maybe with the name of a family member or friend? Once discovered, you might be one of those 1 in 5 people who want to change their dogs name!

8. Stay away from potentially embarrassing names. The name Pee Wee might be funny at first, but as the joke gets old, how will you feel in a year or so when you have to call Pee Wee home at night?

9. Pick a name that matches your dogs own unique appearance or personality. The name Electra might be a good name for an energetic pooch, but not for one that likes to sleep all day.

10. Ask your dog what he thinks! Since its going to be his name, you might want to narrow your search down to your own 5 favorite names, then try them out on your dog. Youd be surprised how well he responds to some, yet yawns at others.

Keeping in mind the above tips when searching for dog names will not only ensure a long, happy friendship with your dog, but also help to avoid a mid-life name change.

When Richard Livitski isn't busy running around after his own dogs, he's busy searching for more unique, cool and funny dog names for where dog names as well as other helpful dog related topics can be found.

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